Pledge to rename “aid”

Please make a pledge: alternative words to “aid”

I recognize the word “aid” is one of many problematic words used in the global solidarity sector. It undermines solidarity and masks the root causes of poverty & inequalities between and within countries. Whilst sometimes “aid” is necessary to describe the current status quo, I note the alternatives suggested by the Track Changing Initiative and pledge to use them in my communications instead of “aid” whenever appropriate. Suggested alternatives are: Global Redistribution, Global Solidarity, Global Equity Gap, Global Collaboration, Global Equalization. [fund or finance or budget to be attached as necessary].
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1 Innovations for Development (I4DEV), Uganda

2 LiveWell Initiative LWI Academy, Nigeria

3 Aid Aid Accountability Consortium, Sierra Leone

4 Viva Salud, Belgium

5 Wote Youth Development Projects, Kenya

6 Wemos, The Netherlands

7 Health Poverty Action, UK

8 Find Your Feet, UK

9 Peace Foundation, Pakistan

10 Resultats Canada groupe, Canada

11 Union des Amis Socio Culturels d’Action en Developpement (UNASCAD), Haiti

12 Public Health International consulting Center (PHICC), Cameroon

13 Human Rights Research Documentation Center (HURIC), Uganda

14 People’s Health Movement Uganda Chapter

15 Ukana West 2 Community Based Health Initaitive (CBHI), Nigeria

16 Nigerian Women Agro Allied Farmers Association, Nigeria

17 PHM Scotland, UK

18 Connected Advocacy, Nigeria

19 Herwa Community Development Initiative, Nigeria

20 Global Baptist mission, Nigeria

21 Hub Cymru Africa, Wales

22 Picture Impact, USA

23 Pemuda Tata Ruang, Indonesia

24 Fields of Green for ALL NPC, South Africa

25 Caritas Nyundo, Rwanda

26 Salem Health Project, UK

27 Share The World’s Resources, UK

28 Harm Reduction International, UK

29 Jubilee Debt Campaign

30 Students for Global Health UK

31 Abibinsroma Foundation, Ghana

32 Youth Partnership for Peace and Development, Sierra Leone

33 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Network, Sierra Leone

34 Simavi, Netherlands

Individual global solidarity practitioners

Joan Okitoi-Heisig, Schweiz

Wim Vandevelde, South Africa

Giulietta Luul Balestra, Italy

Frederik Federspiel, Denmark

Professor Adenike Grange, United States

Canakkale, Turkey

Adrian Schlegel, Germany

Susan Titherley, UK

Martin Drewry, UK

Pamela Blakelock, UK

Sara Emanuel, UK

Lisa Rollisson, UK

Eden Fekade, UK

Pam Wortley, UK

Mushtaq Karimjee, UK

Judith Swain, UK

Francis O’Leary, UK

Kanisha Neal, USA

Zin Minn Oo, Myanmar

Peter Ngola Owiti, Kenya

Alec frank, UK

Michel Mankou, UK

Lakshmi Menon, India

Danny Davito Gotto, Uganda

Edward Staples, Canada

James Douglas Kay Finlayson, UK

Simon Heisig, Schweiz

Adrian Faiers, UK

Liteboho Nchoba, Lesotho

Monica Ravasio, Italy

Siaffa Bunduka, UK

Inbar Yaffe, Isreal

Henk-J Land, Netherlands

Mike Wheeler, UK

Anthony Boardman, UK

Rosie Buckland, UK

elisabeth june huws, Wales, UK

Shalini Soni, UK

Warren M. Gold, USA

Gjori Langeland, UK

Rachel Paton, UK

Helen Brock, UK

David Hope, UK

Jean Dodgeon, UK

Rachel Allen, UK

Juana Blyden Bhonopha, Sierra Leone

Miss Meena Baid, UK

John McClean, UK

Katie Sapphire-Star, UK

Lindsay Hope Kern, Northern Ireland, UK

Jo West, UK

Rosey Ellum, UK

Arvind Sivaramakrishnan, UK

Stephen O’Neale, UK

Alan Schamroth, UK

James Okinyi OYUNGU, Kenya

Dhanraji Ramlakhan, Trinidad and Tobago

Irene Pearce, UK

Diana Englefield Forrest, UK

Ayesha Mayhew, UK

Jean Read, UK

Lesley Probert, UK

Layla Haidrani, UK

Salma Haidrani, UK

Mandy Kokani, UK

Alise Abadie, USA

Rosie Marie Martin, Wales

Kate Crichton, UK

Kenneth Amoateng, Ghana

Katy Cunningham, UK

Aaron Palmer, UK

Lucca-Jay Dibbern, UK

Alice Bradley, Scotland

Allison Anderson Boyd, UK

Samuel Walton, England