We must act now to enshrine the rights of older people

Join us in standing with Age International to demand that the UK Government champion the creation of a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons.


Our global population is rapidly ageing, and yet sadly, it is becoming increasing clear how societies are neglecting the rights and well-being of older people.

By 2050, over 2 billion people will be aged 60 and over. Yet, despite their significant contributions to society, older people often face neglect and discrimination, often on top of declining health due to old age.

Sign the open letter here: https://bit.ly/4gFVOkq

The Call for a UN Convention

The international human rights framework does not adequately safeguard their rights. We join Age International in highlighting the urgent need for a comprehensive international legal framework to protect the rights of older people.

“We have laws talking about children and women but there is none for older people. Older people deserve to be treated better and laws that recognise their rights would help address that.” – Jacinta, 69 years old, Kenya

Sign the open letter here: https://bit.ly/4gFVOkq

Why This Matters

Neglecting the health and rights of older people affects us all. In many Western cultures aging is viewed negatively, and one’s worth is perceived to diminish after reaching adulthood. This perspective is not only flawed but also very harmful. Older people bring invaluable experience, knowledge, creativity, and productivity to our communities. Why should we allow those who have experienced life for a few more decades to feel like they are burdens? This fate awaits us all, and we must ensure it is one of dignity and respect, especially for those who already face other forms of marginalisation.

Failing to protect the rights of those who no longer contribute economically is a clear failure of our society to see the value of life itself. Every individual’s worth extends far beyond economic contributions. Rights should never be contingent on economic value, yet they often are. We must act now to reimagine our deeply unjust society.

“Experience and knowledge of ‘life’ is not considered to be of value in our society, so older people are not respected.” – Helen, 59 years old, Wales, UK.

Sign the open letter here: https://bit.ly/4gFVOkq

What We are Demanding

A UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons would provide a powerful global legal framework to:

  1. Combat age discrimination and ageism
  2. Ensure access to healthcare, social care, and other essential services
  3. Protect older people from violence, abuse and neglect
  4. Safeguard the right to work and financial security in older age
  5. Promote the active participation of older people in society

Sign the open letter here: https://bit.ly/4gFVOkq

A Call to Action

As the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva considers their next steps, we must raise our voices to demand that the rights of older people are both protected and promoted. We urge you, and everyone you know who believes in health justice, to join us in demanding change. Together, we call on the UK Government to champion the creation of a UN Convention on the Rights of Older Persons.

Together, we can ensure that older people are valued equally in society, with their contributions recognised, rights protected, and their needs supported.

Ask David Lammy to make history for older people, sign the open letter here: https://bit.ly/4gFVOkq